Bijapur Jesuit Educational & Charitable Society

Aims & Objectives


(a) To start and manage centers for training youth in self employment and job oriented courses including non-formal education and alternative education and to the development and promotion of the people especially of poorer classes, without distinction of the caste or creed and diffusion of useful knowledge to provide them with avocational training which helps in their livelihood, including training in agriculture, farming, cattle breeding, carpentry, ironwork, electrical, welding, vehicle maintenance, automobile, driving skills, crafts, sewing embroidery, computer education etc.

(b) To establish, run, support and grant aid or other financial assistance to schools, colleges, community colleges, (both formal and non-formal), libraries, reading rooms, universities, laboratories, research and other institutions of the like nature in India, for use of the students and the staff and also for the development and advancement education and diffusion of knowledge amongst the public in general.

(c) To establish develop, maintain and grant aid in cash or in kind to hospitals, medical schools, medical colleges, nursing institutions, dispensaries, maternity homes, child welfare centers and such other similar charitable institutions in India for the benefit and the use of the general public.

(d) To manage programmes for afforestation and ecological balance.

(e) To have programmes for all-round development of villages/slums and rural communities.

(f) To start research centers and workshops in order to enlighten the individual and society as a whole.

(g) To promote, sponsor and undertake rural development, medical care, education and other developmental activities for the benefit of the needy.

(h) To establish, maintain and run student-ships, scholarships and render other kind of aid to students and the training and maintenance of the personnel thereof to be in charge of different institutions and supply of books, literature, furniture, tools, machinery and other necessary incidentals to the carrying out of the objects and the adoption of the other measures that may seen good and proper in the estimate of the Governing Body, without making any distinction as to caste, color, race, creed or sex.

(i) To establish and develop institutions for the physically handicapped and disabled or mentally retarded persons and to provide them education, food, clothing or other help.

(j) To grant relief and assistance to the needy victims during natural calamities such as famine, earthquakes, flood, fire, drought etc, and to give donations and other assistance to institutions, establishment or persons engaged in such relief work.

(k) To establish and promote self-help-groups, women associations, youth groups, men associations, village/slum development committees in slums and villages for the integral development of the people to make them economically independent.

(l) To do all that is necessary and incidental for the purpose of achieving the objects stated above.