Bijapur Jesuit Educational And Charitable Society, Vijayapura 586104
Bijapur Jesuit Educational & Charitable Society

Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola Celebration

Jul 30, 2024

The Loyola Boys' Study Home, Sindagi, celebrated the feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola with great fervor and enthusiasm. The event began with a heartfelt prayer song by the students, setting a spiritual and joyful tone for the celebration.

Warden Mr. Basavalinga extended a warm welcome to everyone. This was followed by an inspiring speech by Sahebgouda, a Grade X student, who highlighted the significance of St. Ignatius' life and teachings.

A group song by the hostel students added a musical touch to the program, showcasing their talents and team spirit. The highlight of the celebration was the prize distribution ceremony, where Fr. Santhosh Walder SJ, Fr. Lancy Fernandes SJ, and Fr. Jeevan Dsouza SJ awarded prizes to the deserving winners.

Fr. Santhosh Walder SJ graced the occasion as the Chief Guest, while Fr. Lancy Fernandes SJ presided over the celebration as the President. Fr. Jeevan Dsouza SJ was the Guest of Honour. All the residential staff were present, adding to the special nature of the event.

The celebration was a fitting tribute to the founder of the Jesuit order, St. Ignatius of Loyola, and it inspired the students to emulate his values and ideals.